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64 Famous Quotes : Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes

64 Famous Quotes : Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes

Today we write this article in honor of katherine Johnson.you find a collection of Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes.but before reading the Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes we offer you a short biography of the first woman who was able to work in NASA.

in this article you will read a rich collection of katherine Johnson quotes:

Relatable Katherine Johnson quotes

-Powerful Katherine Johnson quotes

-Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes about working at NASA

-Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes about mathematics

-Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes on education

-Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes about upbringing

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Famous Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes

Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes
Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes

Katherine Johnson, who died Monday at the age of 101, is one of the African-American scientists who inspired the film “Figures in the Shadows”. His calculations enabled NASA to start conquering the moon. Three things to know about this aerospace icon.
Born August 26, 1918, Katherine Johnson was the first African-American woman, and single mother, to work for NASA. Hired in 1953 by the American space agency, she was responsible for validating the mathematical calculations of her superiors. “She was a heroine of America, a pioneer whose legacy will never be forgotten”

+60 Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes

64 Famous Quotes : Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes

“I just did my job. NASA had a problem and I had the solution. ” It is with these humble phrases that Katherine Johnson recently summed up her career at the Washington Post. But whatever she says, at 98, this native of Virginia, born in 1918, has a more than impressive CV. Here are unforgettable quotes from khaterine Johnson.

 katherine Johnson quotes and sayings

1. “Everything was so new – the whole idea of going into space was new and daring. There were no textbooks, so we had to write them.” – Katherine Johnson

2. “John Glenn’s life will long be remembered for his time in space, his courage, and his service to all Americans.” – Katherine Johnson

3. “I felt most proud on the success of the Apollo mission.” – Katherine Johnson

4. “I found what I was looking for at Langley. This was what a research mathematician did. I went to work every day for 33 years happy. Never did I get up and say I don’t want to go to work.” – Katherine Johnson

5. “I liked working with smart people.” – Katherine Johnson

6. “The women did what they were told to do. They didn’t ask questions or take the task any further. I asked questions; I wanted to know why. They got used to me asking questions and being the only woman there.” – Katherine Johnson

7. “There’s nothing to it; I was just doing my job.” – Katherine Johnson

8. “We needed to be assertive as women in those days – assertive and aggressive – and the degree to which we had to be that way depended on where you were. I had to be.” – Katherine Johnson

9. “We had to determine so much. Where you were, where the Moon would be and how fast the astronauts were going.” – Katherine Johnson

10. “I was just excited to have challenging work to do and smart people to work with.” – Katherine Johnson

11. “We always worked as a team. It’s never just one person.” – Katherine Johnson

12. “We put in some long hours at times, and I had three children at home. But they were very responsible, and I had family and friends who helped look after them.” – Katherine Johnson

13. “My colleagues and I were committed to the work. We found different ways to deal with the segregation.” – Katherine Johnson

14. “Let me do it. You tell me when you want it and where you want it to land, and I’ll do it backwards and tell you when to take off.” – Katherine Johnson

15. “I believed I was where I was supposed to be.” – Katherine Johnson

16. “They needed information and I had it, and it didn’t matter that I found it. At the time, it was just a question and an answer.” – Katherine Johnson17. “I like to work problems. If you do your best, nobody can ask you to do it over again. I never had to repeat what I did.” – Katherine Johnson

18. “In math, you’re either right or you’re wrong.” – Katherine Johnson

19. “We will always have STEM with us. Some things will drop out of the public eye and will go away, but there will always be science, engineering, and technology. And there will always, always be mathematics.” – Katherine Johnson

20. “Everything is physics and math.” – Katherine Johnson

 katherine Johnson quotes

64 Famous Quotes : Nasa Mathematician katherine Johnson quotes
katherine johnson quotes hidden figures book

21. “I see a picture right now that’s not parallel, so I’m going to go straighten it. Things must be in order.” – Katherine Johnson

22. “I like to learn. That’s an art and a science.” – Katherine Johnson

23. “I’m just lucky — the Lord likes me and I like him.” – Katherine Johnson

24. “All jobs are important to somebody. They had to be important to somebody. My theory is, do the best you can all the time. No fooling around.” – Katherine Johnson

25. “We always worked as a team. It’s never just one person.” – Katherine Johnson26. “Many professors tell you that you’d be good at this or that, but they don’t always help you with that career path.” – Katherine Johnson

27. “Take all the courses in your curriculum. Do the research. Ask questions. Find someone doing what you are interested in! Be curious!” – Katherine Johnson

28. “Know how to learn. Then, want to learn.” – Katherine Johnson

29. “I was excited at something new, always liked something new, but give credit to everybody who helped. I didn’t do anything alone but try to go to the root of the question and succeeded there.” – Katherine Johnson30. “Girls are capable of doing everything men are capable of doing. Sometimes they have more imagination than men.” – Katherine Johnson

31. “I don’t have a feeling of inferiority. Never had. I’m as good as anybody, but no better.” – Katherine Johnson

32. “Like what you do, and then you will do your best.” – Katherine Johnson

33. “Men don’t pay attention to small things.” – Katherine Johnson

34. “You should always be interested in something.” – Katherine Johnson

35. “Go see ‘Hidden Figures,’ and take a young person! It will give a more positive outlook on what is possible if you work hard, do your best, and are prepared.” – Katherine Johnson36. “Follow your passion. Whatever you’re doing, do your best at all times and make it as correct as possible. Work as if someone is watching you. Then you’ll be prepared when an opportunity presents itself. And you’ll have the answers.” – Katherine Johnson

37. “Girls, some of them are reluctant to ask questions. But if you want to know, you ask the question. There’s no such thing as a dumb question. It’s dumb if you don’t ask it.” – Katherine Johnson38. “I counted everything. I counted the steps to the road, the steps up to church, the number of dishes and silverware I washed… anything that could be counted, I did.” – Katherine Johnson

39. “I had a very, very interesting childhood, but, oh my, education was the primary focus in our family.” – Katherine Johnson

40. “I entered college; I was 15. I was going to be a math teacher because that was it. You could be a math teacher or a nurse, but I was told I would make a good research mathematician and they had me take all of the courses in the catalog.” – Katherine Johnson

Powerful Katherine Johnson quotes

katherine johnson quotes nasa
katherine johnson quotes Nasa

41.“Girls are capable of doing everything men are capable of doing. Sometimes they have more imagination than men.”– Katherine Johnson

42.“I don’t have a feeling of inferiority. Never had. I’m as good as anybody, but no better.” – Katherine Johnson

43.“Like what you do, and then you will do your best.”– Katherine Johnson

44.“We will always have STEM with us. Some things will drop out of the public eye and will go away, but there will always be science, engineering, and technology. And there will always, always be mathematics.” – Katherine Johnson

45.“We needed to be assertive as women in those days – assertive and aggressive – and the degree to which we had to be that way depended on where you were. I had to be.”– Katherine Johnson

46.“I like to learn. That’s an art and a science.”– Katherine Johnson

47.“In math, you’re either right or you’re wrong.”– Katherine Johnson

48.“I counted everything. I counted the steps to the road, the steps up to church, the number of dishes and silverware I washed … anything that could be counted, I did.”– Katherine Johnson

49.“The women did what they were told to do. They didn’t ask questions or take the task any further. I asked questions; I wanted to know why. They got used to me asking questions and being the only woman there.”– Katherine Johnson

50.“You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.”– Katherine Johnson

51.“Take all the courses in your curriculum. Do the research. Ask questions. Find someone doing what you are interested in! Be curious!”– Katherine Johnson

52.“I see a picture right now that’s not parallel, so I’m going to go straighten it. Things must be in order.”– Katherine Johnson

53.“Everything was so new – the whole idea of going into space was new and daring. There were no textbooks, so we had to write them.”– Katherine Johnson

54.“Let me do it. You tell me when you want it and where you want it to land, and I’ll do it backwards and tell you when to take off.”– Katherine Johnson

55.”Give credit to everybody who helped, I didn’t do anything alone”.– Katherine Johnson

56.”Girls are capable of doing everything that men are capable of doing, sometimes they have more imagination than men.”– Katherine Johnson

57.”I counted everything. I counted the steps to the road, the steps up to church, the number of dishes and silverware I washed … anything that could be counted, I did.”– Katherine Johnson

58”Sometimes I could see that others in the class did not understand what was teaching. So I would ask questions to help them. He’d tell me that I should know the answer, and I finally had to tell him that I did know the answer, but the other students did not. I could tell.”– Katherine Johnson

59.”When the space programme came along I just happened to be working with guys and when they had briefings I asked permission to go, and they said the girls don’t usually go. And I said, well, is there a law? They said no and then my boss said let her go.”– Katherine Johnson

60. ”The women did what they were told to do. They didn’t ask questions or take the task any further. I asked questions; I wanted to know why. They got used to me asking questions and being the only woman there.”– Katherine Johnson

61.”The main thing is I liked what I was doing, I liked work. I liked the stars and stories we were telling, and it was a joy to contribute to the literature work that was going to be coming out. But little did I think it would go this far.”– Katherine Johnson

62.”I was always around people who were learning something. I liked to learn.”– Katherine Johnson

63.”I don’t have a feeling of inferiority. Never had. I’m as good as anybody, but no better.”– Katherine Johnson

64.”If you want to know you ask a question. There’s no such thing as a dumb question, it’s dumb if you don’t ask it.”– Katherine Johnson

65’I think it’s important that you learn the background of what you’re working on and how to do it, and you’ll get the right answer.”– Katherine Johnson

66.”If you lose your curiosity then you stop learning.”– Katherine Johnson

Sources: NASA

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