
30 famous gen z quotes: short, funny,deep in 2021| for tiktok and instagram

30 famous gen z quotes: short, funny, deep in 2021

Generation Z quotes are quotes that represent the generation that was born in the period between the early eighties and the beginning of the first decade of the twenty-first century. Generation Z quotes also reflect the most important characteristics of the people who belong to this generation.
Through today’s topic about Generation Z, we will share with you funny and short quotes, Generation Z quotes on Instagram and Tiktok, and finally, new Generation Z quotes in 2021 and 2022.

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Top gen z quotes in 2021

What are Generation Z quotes?

Gen z quotes reflect the characteristics of the groups that belong to this social group. These quotes talk about their permanent dependence on smartphones, the great consumption of information, and the speed of movement between them, as only what is out of the ordinary attracts their attention.

Generation Z quotes also reflect the homogeneity that exists among the members of Generation Z around the world, as well as their susceptibility to change and their ability to get used to the fast pace of modern life.

The quotes we share with you about Generation Z make it clear that this generation sees a job only as a means to their financial ends. Unlike their millennial counterparts who often love their job, they readily accept jobs that offer stable income and attractive benefits even if it is not their dream job.

gen z quotes: short, funny, deep in 2021

This is a collection of short, funny, and deep quotes about Generation Z that we have collected for you. They can be shared with family members and friends across all social media sites.


“Whenever I’m bored, I can always find something to do on my phone.”-gen z quotes


“My goals are to travel and become a founder of an organization to help people.” -gen z quotes


“When I turn 14 soon I can get a job if I want and start saving for my first car with that money and the money I make on eBay.” -gen z quotes


“For me being ‘cool’ is being myself and having friends who like me for who I am.” -gen z quotes


“My must-have tech item for back to school this year was a phone, because I have to stay in contact with my rides, teachers, and coaches. I have to use other peoples’ phones. And I always miss out on important info.” -gen z quotes funny


“My friends on social media are new indie bands” -gen z quotes funny


“I follow the news because I want to be aware of the world.” – gen z quotes funny


“YouTube is an ocean of entertainment. No other app can provide as much entertainment as YouTube.” -quotes about gen z


“My favorite physical store to shop in is thrift stores because I feel that they are unique, and they can change the world.” – -quotes about gen z


“I only watch Netflix.” -best gen z quotes


“Music is an integral part of my life. A day without music is a bad day.” –best gen z quotes


“A wedding trend I have noticed is not having a photographer, and just having friends take all the pictures.” – iconic gen z quotes


“[For the new school year] I got a new laptop!!! It was the new 2015 MacBook Pro and it is literally my life. I had never had a new computer before but it has seriously changed the way I live.”gen z inspirational quotes

millenial vs gen Z

gen z quotes for  instagram,TikTok and Tumblr in 2021

Gen Z isn’t the only one. Gen Z when it comes to fashion and adhering to the trend on social networks. Gen Z isn’t afraid to post their clothes (chunky rings and flare jeans anyone? ) and their most-loved TikTok dances, and even thoughts about climate change to their preferred social network and brought into a new era of posts with no filters and cool captions.

Being a Gen Zer is, you’re totally in and are seeking Gen Z captions that would make internet celebrities like Emma Chamberlain proud.

Do not look any further, friends. The following Instagram, as well as TikTok captions made for Gen Z, are sure to reflect your mood and make your friends laugh too.

They may remind you of the best one-liners from your favorite shows like Schitt’s creek or WandaVision and others will take the user into TikTok where you’re singing with The Backyardigans and trying out new recipes, like baking feta and pasta.

A few of the captions in these are informal messages that you’ve probably posted in the group chat, for instance when your girlfriend sends you photos of their outfit or asks if you’d like to visit the beach. 

Of course, the generation you’re born into will develop new trends, which means that the Gen Z captions might become boring in time. They’ll be #EwDavid like the millennials’ skinny jeans, and middle-parts.

And even years later however you and your coworkers and Gen Z besties will totally recognize and appreciate these captions and you should include them on the captions of your TikTok as well as your Instagram post regardless.

Gen Z TikTok Quotes

After we shared with you samples of Generation Z quotes, we go to the most famous quotes that spread on Tik Tok

1 “I am here to avoid my friends on Facebook and Instagram.”

gen z tiktok quotes
gen z TikTok quotes

2 “If I was a writer, I think I would have a better caption here.”

gen z quotes tiktok
gen z quotes TikTok

3 “I was a writer, I’d have a better caption than this.”

gen z quotes tiktok
gen z quotes TikTok

4 “I was born to do exactly what I am doing today.”

gen z quotes tiktok 2021
gen z quotes TikTok 2021

5 “If you like this, you’ll have good luck for the rest of the day.”

gen z quotes
gen z quotes

6- “I’ve been TikTok-ing since Kesha walked in.”

gen z quotes 2021
gen z quotes 2021

7- “I’ve got 99 problems and this challenge is one.”

gen z quotes short tIkitok 2021
gen z quotes short tIkitok 2021

8 “If this isn’t worthy of a For You page, I don’t know what is.”

gen z quotes short funny deep tIkitok 2021
gen z quotes short funny deep tIkitok 2021

9 “Taking a poll: What should I put here?”

gen z quotes short funny deep best tIkitok 2021
gen z quotes short funny deep best tIkitok 2021

10 “This is for you, and for you only.”

gen z inspirational quotes
gen z inspirational quotes

Read Also: 16 Funny gen z TikTok quotes, phrases, slang, and expressions in 2021

Gen Z quotes for Instagram

1-“Bestie check!”

gen z quotes for instagram
gen z quotes for Instagram

2-“That’s going to be a ‘no’ from me.”

gen z quotes for instagram
gen z quotes for Instagram

3-“Tell me you’re besties without telling me you’re besties.”

gen z quotes for instagram
gen z quotes for Instagram

4-“Drop your skin care routine.”

gen z short quotes for instagram
gen z short quotes for Instagram

5-“10/10 would recommend to a friend.”

gen z short quotes for instagram
gen z short quotes for Instagram

6-“This week in pictures.”

gen z short quotes for instagram
gen z short quotes for Instagram

7-“Hot Girl Summer is here.”

gen z on instagram
gen z on Instagram

8-“It do be like that sometimes.”

gen z instagram comments
gen z Instagram comments

9-“God, it’s brutal out here.” — Olivia Rodrigo, “brutal”

gen z instagram comments
gen z Instagram comments

Read Also: gen z quotes Tumblr

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