Movie quotes

40 year old virgin coldplay quotes : You Know How I Know You’re Gay? You Like Coldplay

40 year old virgin coldplay quotes : You Know How I Know You’re Gay? You Like Coldplay

Here is a selection of the movie 40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes.Quotes from the best American movies.
Before we present you the 40 year old virgin quotes, we will try to teach the new generations the most important information about the movie 40 year old virgin.

Best 40 year old virgin coldplay quotes

Best 40 year old virgin coldplay quotes
Best 40 year old virgin coldplay quotes

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay is considered one of the best comedy films produced by American dramas. The movie was liked by many viewers and was rated positively on all platforms that showed it. Where everyone agreed that the beautiful thing about the movie is that every time you watch it you find something funny, a word, a sentence, a clip, or a joke.

 Famous 40 year old virgin coldplay quotes : You Know How I Know You’re Gay?

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quote: 1
40 year old virgin coldplay quotes : You Know How I Know You're Gay? You Like Coldplay
40 year old virgin coldplay quotes : You Know How I Know You’re Gay? You Like Coldplay

“You know what? I respect women! I love women! I respect them so much that I completely stay away from them!”

40 year old virgin coldplay quotes about love, respect, and women

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quote: 2
judd apatow
judd apatow

All you got to do is use your instincts. How do you think a lion knows to tackle a gazelle? It’s written, it’s a code written in his DNA, says: “tackle the gazelle”. And believe it or not, in every man there’s a code written that says: “tackle drunk bitc”.

in a bar ROMANY MALCO – Jay
40 year old virgin coldplay quotes about drunkenness, instinct

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quote: 3

“Everybody’s dick looks big on 60-inch TV, my sister’s dick looks big on TV.”
40 year old virgin coldplay quotes about TV

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quote: 4

“- Paula: Andy. Have you ever heard of the term… ‘Fk Buddy’?
– Andy: No… what’s that?
– Paula: Well, it’s a special… friend… who you FK.”

Great 40 year old virgin coldplay quotes about friends

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quote: 5

You are gonna be so bad at sx the first time that you don’t wanna have sx with someone you like, ’cause they’ll think you’re a weirdo for being so lame at it. So you wanna have sx with “hood rats” so that by the time you get to a girl that you do like, you won’t be terrible at sx, you’ll be mediocre at it. [pause] Probably still pretty bad,… (CONTINUE READING)
40 year old virgin coldplay quotes about experience, inability

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quote: 6

“When I was growing pot, I realized that the more seeds I planted, the more pot I could ultimately smoke.”
40 year old virgin coldplay quotes about smoking

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 7

“Dude, it’s not big deal if you like to fk guys. I’m cool, I got friends who fk guys… in jail.”

40 year old virgin coldplay quotes

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 8

“- David: You know how I know you’re gay?
– Cal: How?
– David: You like Coldplay.”
40 year old virgin coldplay quotes about musicians

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 9

“- Mooj: Life is about people. It’s about connections.
– Andy: It’s all about connections.
– Mooj: It’s not about cocks, and ass, and tits.
– Andy: Yeah.
– Mooj: And butthole pleasures.”

40 year old virgin coldplay quotes about life, pleasure, relationships

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 10

“- Cal: You’re gay, now?
– David: No, I’m not gay. I’m just celibate.
– Cal: I think… I mean, that soundsgay.”
PAUL RUDD – David   40 year old virgin coldplay quotes

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 11

“I love your sweater. Does that come in a V-neck?”
to a shirtless man, who has an incredibly hairy chest
40 year old virgin coldplay quotes about body, metaphors.

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 12

“I gotta tell you something. I’m really excited about it. Uh, for the first time today, I woke up, I came to the store, and I feel confident to say to you that if you don’t take this Michael McDonald DVD that you’ve been playing for two years straight off, I’m going to kill everyone in the store and put a bullet in my brain.”
to his manager

40 year old virgin coldplay quotes

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 13

“- Trish: Do you have protection?
– Andy: I don’t like guns.”
on the bed, kissing
40 year old virgin coldplay quotes about misunderstanding

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 14

“It doesn’t matter if you’re ugly as fck, or you’re ugly as shit. It’s about talking to women, and I know how to do that because I observe, because I am a novelist.”

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 15

” I just want you to know this is, like, the first conversation of, like, three conversations that leads to you being gay. Like, there’s this and then in a year it’s like: “oh, you know, I’m kinda gonna want to get back out there, but I think I like guys”, and then there’s the big “oh, I’m… I’m… I’m a gay guy now”.

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 16

”We went to Tijuana, Mexico, you know? And we thought it would be fun, you know, to go to a show. Everybody says “you gotta check out one of these shows”. And… it’s a woman fckin’ a horse. We get there and we think it’s gonna be awesome and… it is not as cool as it sounds like it’s gonna be. It’s kinda gross.”

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 17

“She had hands as big as Andre the Giant’s, and she had an Adam’s apple as big as her balls.”
about how he knew the prostitute was really a transvestite ” 

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 18

“So, tell me, Montel. Why weren’t we invited to the party? What are we, Al Qaeda?”

40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 19

– Paula: I’ll probably re-watch “Gandhi”.
– Cal: “Gandhi” baked is good. I always feel bad when I watch it baked because I get really hungry and I’m eating a lot and poor Gandhi is starving his ass off.
discussing what to do while spending a week stoned


40 Year Old Virgin Coldplay quotes: 20

“- Andy: You know how when you grab a woman’s breast… it feels like… a bag of sand.
– David: What?”


– Cal: The problem most men have is they don’t know how to talk to women.
– Andy: You know what my problem is? I am not interesting. What am I supposed to say? I went to magic camp? That I’m an accomplished ventriloquist? Oh, I am the Seventh Degree Imperial Yo-Yo Master. “Ooh, do me, Yo-Yo Master, I want you to do me cause you’re the yo-yo guy!”.


– David: You know how I know that you’re gay?
– Cal: How?
– David: You have a rainbow bumpersticker on your car that says, “I love it when balls are in my face”.
– Cal: That’s gay?


“- Beth: We could do it in the… butt, if you want.
– Andy: But if I want what?
– Beth: You know… butt!
– Andy: But… what?”

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Best Movie : 40 year old virgin coldplay quotes

Information about the movie 40 Year Old virgin coldplay
Information about the movie 40 Year Old virgin coldplay

The 40-Year-Old Lady is a comedy film released in 2005 featuring Steve Carell in the title role. It was the first film to place director Judd Apatow in the spotlight (after his stints on television with Freaks and Geeks and Undeclared).

Best movie quotes : Information about the movie 40 Year Old virgin coldplay

Movie heroes

Steve Carell, Catherine Keener, Paul Rudd, Romany Malco, Seth Rogen, Elizabeth Banks, Leslie Mann, Jane Lynch, Gerry Bednob, Shelley Malil, Kat Dennings, Jordan Masterson, Chelsea Smith, Jonah Hill, Erica Vittina Phillips

Events inside the movie

“The 40-Year-Old Virgin” has got to be one of the most vulgar raunchy films created at this point. It makes “The Hangover” and “Old School” look like G-rated films, but if you can deal with the excessive language and nudity there is actually some great performances and story to be found here.

Steve Carell’s character and character arch through this movie feels believable (and to me relatable). No, I’m not a virgin like he is, but I do experience a world where I don’t enjoy things that other adults might consider fun (excessive drinking, clubbing, cheating on my spouse, drug use, etc).

It’s not because I’m trying be some kind of human moral high ground, it’s just who I ended up being as a person. So I can relate very well to his plight of dealing with others near him who do these things and want to make you to a part of it (which depending on the person can be a huge hassle).

I feel like the excessive vulgarity of the subject matter in the film mixed with the overconfidence/testosterone of his co-workers plays very well as a contrast to Carell’s uneasiness with everything going on around him. It works so well, that close to end of the movie you’re almost heartbroken when you see him trying to be the person everyone else thinks he should be.

You also see his character grow from wanting to be left alone to building his own confidence and steering himself where he feels like he wants to be, and it’s not a magical transformation. We’re taken on this journey with him and get to see the events that shape him into the person he becomes.

Funny 40 year old virgin coldplay quotes

Juddd Apatow’s debut directorial effort, The 40-Year-Old Virgin The 40-Year-Old Virgin, revolutionized the way comedies were created forever. Before that, comedies were usually scripted in a strict manner by actors who followed the scripted dialogue before moving into the following scene. However, Apatow recognized the potential for capturing comedy sparks in bottles, and allowed his actors to play around on camera. This led to an abundance of film being utilized during the shooting, however the rewards are clear. Today, every comedy filmmaker is trying to replicate the improvisational style. It was the source of some amazing quotes, too.

The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005) Andy & Jay’s Speed Dating Card Funny Scene


“I’m very discreet, but I will haunt your dreams.” -Paula, propositioning Andy


“I respect women! I respect them so much that I completely stay away from them!”– Andy


“You have really kind eyes.” Andy: “Thanks. Umm… your hat has sequins.” Nicky


“Yowwww! Kelly Clarkson!”– Andy, getting his belly waxed


“If I hear ‘Yah Mo B There’ one more time, I’m going to ‘Yah Mo’ burn this place to the ground.”– David on his aversion to the music of Michael McDonald


“How many pots have you smoken?”- Andy


“I hope you have a big trunk. Because I’m putting my bike in it.”– Andy’s pickup line


“Tell me something, when your child is born, is he already on parole?”– Mooj to Jay


“You know how when you grab a woman’s breast… it feels like a bag of…sand.”– Andy


David: “You know how I know you’re gay?” Cal: “How?” David: “You like Coldplay.”


This movie is one of my favourite ever comedy films. I never saw it at the movies, because it didn’t seem like the type of movie I’d be interested in as the title is silly, but then my flat mate strongly encouraged me to watch it and I instantly fell in love.

This film combines vulgarity, slapstick, a solid plot, good acting and most importantly heart – it could of very easily just been a silly satire but you really feel for the characters, Andy at least anyway.

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