
All Might Quotes To boost your Motivation

All Might Quotes To boost your Motivation

All Might from My Hero Academia is without a doubt one of today’s greatest motivating heroes. And that’s not even taking his retirement into account. Naturally, a character as iconic as he has spawned an abundance of memorable quotes.

My Hero Academia is full of awesome characters, but you have to admit that All Might is one of the best of all time! He is not only the most powerful superhero on the show, but he is also quite compassionate and always stands firm in his beliefs. So it’s only natural that he’d have some very wise words to share with his students.

All Might Quotes From My Hero Academia

My Hero Academia is one of the year’s “stand-out” anime shows. And I’ll always appreciate an anime that can open my mind or change my perspective. Even if only a little.

The underlying theme is courage, rising to the challenge, and crushing your obstacles, similar to Naruto, One Piece, or DBZ. In this regard, My Hero Academia not only shines, but it also inspires you.

As a result, I had to share the quotes to highlight that and give you something to remember the show by.

  1. “All men are not created equal.” – Izuku Midoriya

    all might quotes
    all might quotes
  2. “My motivation might seem trivial compared to yours, but I can’t lose, either. I have to live up to the hopes of those who supported me.” – Izuku Midoriya

  3. “Don’t worry about what other people think. Hold your head up high and plunge forward.” – Izuku Midoriya

    all might saying
    all might saying
  4. “You’ll regret making a fool of me… I’ll freaking kill you! I’m taking the first to end all firsts. There’s no point in winning against some half-assed punk. No point If I can’t do better than Deku! So if you’re not trying to win, get the hell outta my face!” – Bakugou Katsuki

  5. “So I’m gonna be a hero. I’ll make that money… so that my mom and dad can have easier lives.” – Ochako Uraraka

    allmight quotes
    allmight quotes
  6. “Stop Talking, I will win. That’s… what heroes do.” – Bakugou Katsuki

  7. “I’m gonna beat you all. Enjoy your win. It’ll never happen again, Dammit!” – Bakugou Katsuki

    all might inspiration
    all might inspiration
  8. “Can’t stand morons like you who can’t get the damned point! Basically, you’re saying: “we wanna cause trouble, be our pal!” What a joke! I’ve always admired All Might’s triumphs. No matter what any of you jerks say, nothings ever gonna change that.” – Bakugou Katsuki

  9. “If you’re going to become a hero, you don’t have time for such leisurely events.” – Shouta Aizawa

    all might phrase
    all might phrase
  10. “They’ve been exposed to the outside world, up close and personal. They’ve had that fear planted in them. And they’ve endured it. Overcome it. Each has grown from that experience. And forgotten how to hesitate.” – Shouta Aizawa

    all might smile
    all might smile

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The best All Might quotes to get you motivated

Toshinori Yagi, also known by his hero named All Might, is the former number one hero who also held the title of “Symbol of Peace” because he is powerful enough to take care of all the villains with ease and his name is enough to make most villains cower. He chose to become a lecturer at U.A. High School after passing on his quirk, “One for All,” to teach other students and mentor Midoriya in learning how to use this powerful quirk to become the next Symbol of Peace. All Might is now retired as a result of the events of the previous season, but this only means that his battles on the front lines are over, as he will be encouraging the next generation of superheroes from behind the scenes.

Toshinori Yagi’s real name is Toshinori Yagi, but most people in the My Hero Academia Universe know him as All Might. So far, there have been some fantastic All Might quotes, so let’s look at some of the more powerful and impactful ones.

How could you forget All Might defeating Nomu near the end of Season 1? His famous quote, which begins, “Hey Villain, have you ever heard these words?” became one of the most memorable anime moments of 2017. There are many more inspirational All Might quotes, such as when he tells Midoriya that he has the potential to be a hero. You have a strong will if you didn’t cry during that scene!

We’ve compiled a list of the best All Might quotes from the series thus far, but we want you to vote on them so that the best quotes rise to the top of the list. Please add your favorite All Might quote that isn’t already here if it isn’t already there.

Top 10 all might inspirational quotes

  1. When there’s nothing to be gained, rising to the challenge at those times… is surely the mark… of a true hero!!

  2. A hero can always break out of a tough spot

  3. It’s not bad to dream. But you also have to consider what’s realistic

  4. Whether you win or lose, looking back and learning from the experience is a part of life!

  5. If you feel yourself hitting up against your limit remember for what cause you to clench your fists… remember why you started down this path, and let that memory carry you beyond your limit.

  6. I smile to show the pressure of heroes and to trick the fear inside of me.

  7. My power has been declining faster than I expected…But I must do this. Why? Because I am…the Symbol of Peace!

  8. I will protect and raise him even if it costs me my life!

  9. The flame I passed on to you is still small; but in the future, it will be exposed to wind and rain and grow even bigger. And then, I will slowly become weak and disappear, and I will finish my job.

  10. Heroes indeed have many things to protect. And that’s why… We can’t lose!

all might catchphrase

all might catchphrase
all might catchphrase

Every well-known hero requires a signature catchphrase. “My spidey senses are tingling,” says Spider-Man, “Hulk Smash,” says the Hulk, and “Swiper, no swiping,” says Dora.

i am here all might
i am here all might

“I am here,”

“I am here,” is All Might’s catchphrase. When all hope appears to be lost in a situation, All Might confidently shout his catch and proceeds to battle his opponent. Rather than taunting his opponent, All Might appears to announce his presence to reawaken the strength and hope of those around him.

it's fine now. why because i am here
it’s fine now. why because i am here

It’s Fine Now

“It’s fine now. Why? Because I am here!”

Whether You Win or Lose

“Whether you win or lose… You can always come out ahead by learning from the experience.”

Trick The Fear
“I smile to show the pressure of heroes and to trick the fear inside of me.”

Started Down This Path

“If you feel yourself hitting up against your limit remember for what cause you to clench your fists… remember why you started down this path, and let that memory carry you beyond your limit.”

all might you can be a hero
all might you can be a hero

Become A Hero

“You can become a hero!”

The Mark Of A True Hero
“When there’s nothing to be gained, rising to the challenge at those times… is surely the mark… of a true hero!!”
Have You Ever Heard These Words?”Hey villain, have you ever heard these words? Go beyond! PLUS…ULTRA!”

Symbol Of Peace
“My power has been declining faster than I expected…But I must do this. Why? Because I am…the Symbol of Peace!”

Aiming For The Top
“Those who are always aiming for the top, and those who aren’t. That slight difference in attitudes will have a big impact once you go out into society.”

Pros Are Always Risking Their Lives
“I really am pathetic. Even though I admonished you, I wasn’t putting what I said into practice! Pros are always risking their lives!”.


These are some of the best quotes from All Might’s appearance on the show, but I’m sure you’ll find some missing. If you believe one of your favorite quotes is missing from the list, please let us know in the comments section below.

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