Quotes from books

+25 Powerful Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes with images

+25 Powerful Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes with images

The Broken Way is a book about walking through life’s difficulties and finding joy in our suffering. It is about the journey of faith–wrestling with hard questions, being honest about our pain, and still trusting God to heal us. The Broken Way has become wildly popular since its release in 2015, but what are some quotes from the book that have stood out to you?

Most inspiring Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes

Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes
Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes

Ann Voskamp’s The Broken Way is a moving and inspirational book. In it, she shares her own journey of healing and wholeness after a period of great brokenness in her life. Along the way, she shares a number of powerful quotes that speak to the human experience.

See Also: Ann Voskamp’s blog

One of the most powerful quotes from the book is, “There is always light if we’re willing to see it.” This quote speaks to the idea that even in our darkest moments, there is hope. Voskamp goes on to say that we need to be willing to see the light, even when it seems impossible.

Another powerful quote from the book is, “There is no such thing as a wasted brokenness.” This quote speaks to the idea that our brokenness can actually be used for good. Even though it may seem like our pain and suffering are for nothing, Voskamp says that it can actually be used to help others who are also going through difficult times.

These are just two of the many powerful quotes from Ann Voskamp’s The Broken Way. This book is full of wisdom and insight that can help us on our own journey towards healing and wholeness.

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Ann voskamp biography

Ann Voskamp is a Canadian author and speaker, best known for her New York Times bestselling book One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are.

Voskamp was born and raised on a farm in Ontario, Canada. After graduating from high school, she attended Redeemer University College where she studied English and History. She then went on to earn her Masters in Theology from Regent College in Vancouver.

In 2006, Voskamp married Ryan, and together they have three children. The family now lives on a farm in rural Ontario.

In 2010, Voskamp’s first book, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are was published. The book quickly became a bestseller and has been translated into numerous languages.

Voskamp is also a popular blogger, and her blog “A Holy Experience” receives millions of hits each month. In addition to her writing, Voskamp is also a sought-after speaker and has spoken at events all over the world.

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What is The Broken Way?

The Broken Way is a book by Ann Voskamp that explores the idea of brokenness and how it can lead to a more abundant life. The book is divided into four parts: “The Way of Brokenness,” “The Way of Loneliness,” “The Way of Solitude,” and “The Way of Blessing.” In each part, Voskamp shares stories and quotes that illustrate her points.

One powerful quote from The Broken Way is, “There’s a kind of beauty in being broken – because it means we’re not alone.” This quote speaks to the idea that our brokenness can connect us to others. It also suggests that there is beauty in imperfection.

Another powerful quote from The Broken Way is, “Blessed are the broken, for they know how to receive love.” This quote highlights the importance of being open to receiving love, even when we are feeling broken. It also suggests that those who are broken are able to appreciate love more profoundly.

These quotes from The Broken Way illustrate some of the main ideas in the book. They show that brokenness can lead to beauty and connection and that it is possible to find blessing in even the most difficult times.

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What are some powerful quotes from this book?

Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes
Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes

“A willingness to be inconvenienced is the ultimate proof of love.”― Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way

 Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes
Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes

“Be brave and do not pray for the hard thing to go away, but pray for a bravery that’s bigger than the hard thing.” ― Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way

Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes
Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes


Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes
Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes

“Our broken hearts always break His.”― Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way

Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes
Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes

“It’s not that your heart isn’t going to break; it’s how you let the brokenness be made into abundance afterward.”― Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way

+25 Powerful Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes with images

“When the church isn’t for the suffering and broken, then the church isn’t for Christ.”― Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way

Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes
Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes

“Wounds can be openings to the beauty in us. And our weaknesses can be a container for God’s glory. _ Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes

+25 Powerful Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes with images
+25 Powerful Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes with images

“A day is a pocket of possibility and it’s always there, waiting for your willing hand.”― Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way

the broken way ann voskamp
the broken way ann voskamp

“Out of the fullness of the grace that He [Jesus] has received, He thanks, and breaks, [the bread] and gives away–and He makes a way for the life-giving communion. A broken way.” _ Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes

ann voskamp be the gift
ann voskamp be the gift

“What if … what if I made a habit of every day pressing my wounds into the wounds of Christ–could my brokenness be made into a healing abundance for the brokenness of the world? A kind of communion?” __ Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes

ann voskamp images
ann voskamp images

“The miracle happens in the breaking–a breaking into the enoughness of communion.” __ Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes

ann voskamp images
ann voskamp images

A Jewish Rabbi taught that “… when a man had decided whom he’d chosen to marry, his father would pour a cup of wine and pass it down to his son. The son would then turn to the young woman he loved, and with all the solemnity of an oath before Almighty YHWH Himself, the young man would hold out the cup of wine to the woman and ask for her hand in marriage. He would ask with these words: ‘This cup is a new covenant in my blood, which I offer to you.’ … The Last Supper was a marriage covenant.” __ Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes


“Peace isn’t a place to arrive at, but a Person to abide in. ‘I myself am your peace,’ says Jesus.” __ Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes


“Everything that matters in living comes down to giving.” (p. 67)


“Jesus sings grace in the wind, He pours mercy out like rain, He grows abundance up through the broken cracks of things like wheat, and a bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out. And He comes as a sign to us, a sign of the cross, a sign God’s reaching for us, believing in us, in love, in redemption, making all things new, in making us enough because He is.” (pp. 85-86)


“What if abundant living isn’t about what you can expect from life, but what life can expect from you?” (p. 88)


“What if the deeply satisfying life was found in the givenness of sacrifice–to something of significance–through the spirit?” (p. 91)


“A day is a pocket of possibility and it’s always there, waiting for your willing hand.” (p. 123)


“The past is a memory sealed right into you, tomorrow is a mystery unknown to you, and today is God’s momentary gift to you–which is why it’s called the present.” (p. 141)


“You begin to break your brokenness when you break down with your brokenness–when you hand it over to the One broken for you.” __Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes


“This is what love means: we live within each other, we inhabit each other, our love for each other becoming stego, a sheltering roof.” __ Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes


“There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul.” ― Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way


“A Christ-shaped life is not a comfortably shaped life, but a cross-shaped life.” __ Ann Voskamp the broken way quotes


“Suffering is not a problem that needs a solution as much as it is an experience that needs compassion.” ― Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way


“Maybe it’s okay to not feel strong, to carry an unspoken broken. And . . . to speak it?” ― Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way


Ann Voskamp’s The Broken Way is a book that is sure to resonate with anyone who has ever felt broken. Ann invites readers on a journey of healing and hopes with her trademark honesty and vulnerability. These quotes from the book are sure to inspire and encourage you on your own journey towards wholeness.

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